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Above: All holes are filled and ready for some self levelling compound...Took about 3 hours and destroyed two fake Ryobi batteries to cut away the excess step to make it level enough to match up with tiles from the bathroom!


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Above: The floor throughout the bathroom and utility has now been raised by 7"(180mm)...eek! I will remove the shuttering and put brickwork in after I have changed the height of the door. Will now have to create a step down in to the back garden next... Never ending, always descending ha ha


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Above: Now the SLC has been poured, I've trowelled it as flat as I can see, so only time will tell if it's that level. I've never found self levelling compound to be that self levelling! The tiles in the bathroom aren't actually laid yet, they've just been laid out in position for reference, then I couldn't be bothered to take them up...So there they stay at the moment... 


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Above: Everything primed and ready to go fro flooring, decoupling membrane has had some waterproof tanking paint applied to it as well, you could actually fill this with water and paddle in it!!


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Above: Getting ready for marking out the centre line of the hidden cistern for the new pan, have laser will level...



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Above: All tiles are now cut and ready to be laid over the underfloor heating. Just to work out where the underfloor heating was going to go to I used some baler twine, when Lou saw it she asked if it worked by setting light to one end and letting it burn to keep us warm...Think my humour has rubbed off somewhere...Ha Ha


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Above: The dreaded linear drain which has caused so much of a design headache, and at least 2 tons of concrete and screed to be sacrificed!!



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