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images from wales - Ian Nicholson Photography - Builth Wells

Platform 1 Arts and Crafts at The Brecon Beacons National Park Visitor Centre Libanus  

Platform One Arts and Crafts Association are now based permanently in the Brecon Beacons National Park Visitor Centre at Libanus. 

Please come along and see all of our arts and crafts, also enjoy the tea rooms and play area for children.

Gift Vouchers

Gift vouchers now available, use against prints, frames or even courses.

Click here for more details...


A random testimonial...

I am a writer and took some awkward problem photographs that I needed to illustrate a piece to Ian. Rather than blinding me with science he approached the problems without telling me how difficult they were. His 'can do' approach was based on the fact that he CAN DO. A serious professional photographer who really knows what he is doing is a gem. And he's not an expensive gem either. He really knows what he is doing.


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